Seattle, like any decent American city, is a city of neighborhoods. People in this town enjoy being part of a community, and they often take pride in the neighborhood they live in. Due to Seattle's abundance of hills and water, the neighborhoods here usually have well-defined borders, and many have a distinct character that sets them apart from the rest of the city. Capitol Hill, West Seattle, International District, Georgetown...each of these areas has its own identity. But when people ask me which neighborhood I live in, I sometimes hesitate for a moment. I live on North 75th St: is that Greenwood or Phinney Ridge? The two neighborhoods sort of blend together, and it's not clear where the border is. Common sense says that the border between these two 'hoods is where Phinney Ave turns into Greenwood Ave, around 67th St. But according to
Wikipedia, the border lies at 80th St. Because of this confusion, it's hard to say which neighborhood I live in. So from now on, I will be referring to my neighborhood as "Grinney". Grinney is my name for the area between 67th and 80th, and I consider it a distinct neighborhood in its own right. Pretty soon everyone in Seattle will be talking about that hip, new neighborhood called "Grinney." Folks, you heard it here first.
Loved the post so much I wrote about it and linked to your blog from PhinneyWood.com! And thanks for linking to us from your site.
OK OK I know many of you have been wondering Just where is Michael, well thanks to this blog you know, I got hitched. SORRY not to disappoint BUT I have no intention of starting my own blog as Blog-master-B has suggested I should consider. However I could be persuaded if the corporate sponsorships start rolling in! But Enough about me (well not really),on to the point. I just want to be the 3rd to proclaim my love for this lovely hood. YES I too love Grinney, so much that I hope to one day make it my new home.Thats right Grinney is my first choice for my intended relocation tenatively set for late winter early spring 09. Now there is much up in the air around this so don't go moving to Grinney to live in the same hood as me just yet. I would not want that kind of pressure. I mean what if you all rush in fill all the vacant housing and then I have to move to some other part of town like Capital hill or West Seattle. Can you imagine (all the people living in harmony) (sorry) how disappointed you would be? However on the other hand you might be wise to get in before the word gets out that Grinney is as happening as Hate Ashberry was in 68. SEA you soon ... in the Grinney-hood
As I recall, back when I lived out there a lot of people referred to the neighborhood as "Dennie."
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