Today was the first day of my six week long paternity leave. Yes, one of the benefits of having a baby (besides, of course, the baby itself) is taking a bunch of time off work. The last time I had that much time off at once was before I started my job- 13 years ago! I'm looking forward to spending lots of time with my family during this extended break, as well as doing a little traveling to see relatives during the holiday season. But if you think I'll be sleeping in 'til noon, playing video games, drinking beer, and watching Oprah...well, guess again. I've got a baby to take care of, folks. And it just so happens that Mrs. Concord went back to work today, so it was just me and the baby. This wouldn't normally be a difficult situation, except that Baby C does not like bottle-feeding. If she doesn't get the breast, she gets teary-eyed, starts screaming, and flails her arms around (come to think of it, I do the exact same thing). Given these circumstances, the day went by better than expected. Yes, Baby C did get upset, but milk was ingested, wills were broken, and progress was made. I only have two more days to get through (Mrs. C is quitting her job to spend more time with the baby), and then I'll finally be able to kick back and relax. Oprah, here I come!
Nice work, daddy Concord! I hope little C is treating you well today. Remember, she doesn't eat donuts yet. And if she has another hissy fit this afternoon? Don't even think about giving her some wine...
That breast comment ... ur a bad boy, aren't you??? Naughty! I don't think I've ever seen this side of you before, B-Phat. And frankly, I can't believe you're getting away with that shiz. Someone oughta sit you down in the corner! Damn!
I just can not let this one pass, and I am not one to normally interfering with the rearing of ones child BUT Baby C is well past the age of enjoying a little wine and a bite of donut while watching Oprah. Come n please stop sheltering her already.
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