I'm taking a break today from my "Sounds from the Cave" series to talk about a subject that's really been bugging me lately. The subject is this: Lyle Lovett. Specifically, I would like to know why this guy is famous. He's a good enough singer, I guess, but his songs are totally unmemorable. If you saw him in "Short Cuts", then you know how limited his range is as an actor. So what, exactly, is so special about Lyle Lovett? Here's my theory: people are intrigued by his weird face and hair. And that's all. They think that someone who is that strange-looking must have artistic talent. But ask yourself this question: If Lyle Lovett looked like Mr. Joe Average, would people still listen to his music? I doubt it. Now, I will admit that I have only heard a few of his songs, but the ones I did hear sounded like nothing more than generic bar-band material. It's the sort of stuff that I imagine middle-aged couples listening to when they're drinking margaritas out on the deck. But is it possible that I'm missing something here? Does he actually have some great songs that I haven't heard? If you are a fan, I would like to hear from you. To use a phrase that Mr. Lovett probably knows all too well, I'm all ears.
I'm a fan of LyLo. Not a huge fan, but a fan. He's songs tell good stories and I like his vocal style. In general, I enjoy his fusion of jazz and gospel with country. Check out 'Church' or 'Her First Mistake' for good examples.
I could do without the songs about his hat and his truck, however.
If you don't love Lyle Lovett, you don't know him. His songs are witty, insightful, sad, happy, random, and fun. He is one guy that I would like to meet. Also, I don't think that he looks that funny, but I can understand why others feel that way. Does every star need to match a pre-defined look?
Anyway, I have a lot of his music, I will play it for you sometime.
Due to forces beyond my control, I actually have four Lyle Lovett albums in my iTunes library. So I took Chris's advice and listened to "Her First Mistake". Make that "my first mistake". First impressions: bluesy, laid-back, smooth, something I can imagine my parents enjoying. It might grow on me...in about 25 years. Then again, this is coming from someone who enjoys listening to Slovenly.
Eraserhead! How did Eraserhead get to nail Julia Roberts!
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