Once in a while you come across something that you had previously accepted as a normal part of everyday life, only to realize that it is completely worthless and does not even deserve to exist. I'm talking, of course, about carrot cake. It's not that it tastes bad, it's just that it is totally mediocre and undeserving of its popularity. Why it is on the shelves of nearly every grocery store is beyond me. I suppose you could say that carrot cake is the Lyle Lovett of the dessert world, but I think it's about time we stop picking on that poor guy. So let's just cut to the chase and list the reasons why this stuff is so awful.
First of all, it shouldn't be called carrot cake. It is basically just spice cake with a few flecks of carrot mixed in. The carrots add absolutely nothing to its character; they're just there because spice cake would sound too boring. People will try to convince you that the carrots make it moist, but you could easily substitute a million other things (e.g. applesauce, vegetable oil) to achieve the same effect. And there isn't the faintest hint of carrot flavor in this cake.
Second, nobody actually likes carrot cake. Oh, they may say they like it, but they're fooling themselves. What people actually like is the cream cheese frosting. Hell, I'd eat a piece of cardboard if it had cream cheese frosting on it. That stuff is like crack cocaine. But just try to offer someone a piece of homemade carrot cake without any frosting and you'll just get a blank stare. Nobody would even consider eating it.
Whew! I'm glad I got that off my chest. Next week: zucchini bread!
Shame on you! Carrot cake is the healthiest dessert of all time! Just chock-full of carroty goodness ...
WOW what has become of you/this blog as of late? Your astute observations of have become a thing of yesteryear. Perhaps you have just never had good carrot cake, which for the record does not need icing to hold it up. In fact it is usually better without any icing at all. .... As I write this I am asking myself why even bother to reply? I mean really I am defending carrot cake on a blog by some guy who really thinks concords are better. ... when will i learn to let things go?
People, this blog was never intended to make you feel good. It doesn't even make me feel good. But sometimes the truth hurts. And if you're a carrot cake-eating Lyle Lovett fan (as all of my readers apparently are), the truth hurts a lot. I feel your pain, though, and I will try to write something more touchy-feely in the future.
Lyle Lovett kinda looks like a carrot cake. Did you ever realize that? Kind of a cross between a carrot cake and Eraserhead. Maybe that's why you don't like him, and carrot cake as well ...
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