Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Every Vote Counts

Well, the 2008 presidential campaign is rolling along at full force now, so it's time to start making some decisions. John McCain ("McLame") pretty much has the Republican nomination secured, but the Democratic ticket is still up for grabs. It's a tough choice between two top-notch candidates. That's why I'm here to help you decide.

During the last presidential election, someone had the genius to ask the American people, "Who would you rather have a beer with: George W. Bush or John Kerry?" Suddenly, all of the differences in politics, experience, and character of the two candidates were boiled down to a single, succinct question that everyone could understand. Like I said: genius. It's no surprise that the winner of that poll eventually won the election. So it only makes sense to ask a similar question of our current Democratic presidential candidates. Since the majority of this blog's readership is comprised of potheads and wackos, and since both candidates have a history of drug use (Clinton hasn't admitted as much, but let's be realistic), I ask you this: Which candidate would you rather smoke a joint with? Take the Concords Are Better poll!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I donut think Smoking "joints" or whatever you hippies call them is a legal activity..........I hope you can sleep at night