Look at the pictures above. Who are these guys? Are they brothers? Twins separated at birth? No, they are the frontmen for two of the most popular rock bands in the Northwest: Seattle's Death Cab For Cutie and Portland's The Decemberists. The former band is led by Ben Gibbard (top photo) and the latter by Colin Meloy (bottom photo). Has anyone ever noticed that these guys look nearly identical? Same pudgy face, same shaggy haircut, same taste in western shirts. They probably even share the same optometrist. But here's the biggest similarity of all: both of their bands are completely overrated. No, their music isn't terrible, it's just very average. So average, in fact, that it's a mystery how either of them became popular in the first place. And yet The Decemberists recently played to huge crowds at a Barack Obama rally in Oregon. It's hard to imagine anyone getting pumped up for a politician by this band. And Death Cab played for the Dalai Lama during his visit here last month. I'm sure the Dalai Lama enjoyed the show; he's totally into sensitive white-boy indie rock these days. Okay, I realize that I'm being a bit harsh. And maybe I just haven't heard the right songs to be convinced of their talent. So if anyone out there can tell me what I'm missing, I'm all ears.
To contrast with the aformentioned bands, Radio Concord is presenting you with a song by one of the most underrated (and unheard) bands from the Northwest: The Whip. They were only active for a very brief period at the start of the decade, but it's fair to say that if they ever got the chance to play at a Barack Obama rally, there would be rioting in the streets. Their ex-bassist/vocalist continues to pummel eardrums with his current band, Big Business; if they ever roll through your town, I encourage you to check 'em out.
well boo to you, Brian. I love the Decemberists. Although I must admit I am not sure why - they sing songs about obscure English criminals and colonial love stories and crazy Japanese folk tales. Colin's voice is whiny and annoying, and he uses I'm-smarter-than-you words like picaresque and wizened. But somehow, their music is brilliant. Go listen to The Crane Wife all the way through and tell me you don't agree.
Hey dude,
I was at that Dalai Lama show. I enjoyed Death Cab enough that I bought their new album that just came out. Haven't listened to it yet, soooo I guess that would be the "taking them with a grain of salt". Also? I am WAY LATE to the Death Cab party, but that is how I like to roll. I am so-so on The Decemberists, but crap, those pics of the two front men are freaking me out.
Anywho. The Dalai Lama was pretty sweet. So was Dave Matthews + Tim Reynolds acoustic. I suspect they're not really your style, but I'm telling, best acoustic show I've ever seen...TWICE.
OK, now that I've left a novel for a comment, I'm going to go back and listen to that track you posted. (See? Late to the party. Always.)
hmm I used to like Death cab but that was sooooo 2002. can we talk about something relevant. I mean really everyone knows that pudgy faces and western shirt wearing signers are the big hair and sock stuffing spandex signers of the 80s...... nothing original. If you want original wait until East meets west hit the scene in late 2008.... now that will be great
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