If you read the post I wrote a couple weeks back, you know all about my amazing idea for Root Creme. The concept was to take the creamy, vanilla-flavored mixture at the bottom of a root beer float and sell it in bottled form. I was going to make millions of dollars, become a hero to children across the world, and retire on my own private island. Well, today I learned an important lesson: God sometimes likes to shit on your dreams. That's right, kids. Look at the image to the left. That is what I found today while wandering through the aisles of a 7-11. When I saw that bottle, my heart sank. I suddenly realized that the future path of my life had changed, and it no longer involved limos and piles of cocaine. It's an awful feeling, like being fired from a job, or like discovering that one of your favorite musicians is a Scientologist. But I know that I'll eventually get over it. I went through the same thing years ago when I came up with the idea for the Breakfast Pizza, only to find a nearly identical product in my local grocery store several months later. So I can deal with this latest turn of events. In fact, I have several other great ideas in my head that are just waiting to be turned into reality. But if anybody steals my idea for the Griscuit, goddamn it, someone's gonna get hurt.
Oh, I guess you are probably wondering how the A&W Float tastes. It's good, but maybe with a little too much artificial vanilla flavor. I prefer the real thing.
Today's Radio Concord selection is from Bright Eyes, the Omaha, Nebraska-based singer/songwriter who also goes by the name Conor Oberst. He has a new album out which I haven't heard yet, but this song is from last year's album Cassadaga. Check it out:
Honey bucket? don't let your dreams die.
Thanks for the vote of support. I also noticed that you have left a comment on every single post on this blog. You can't imagine the ego-boosting power that those comments have on me. I guess I owe you a donut or something.
Thanks G>B I wanted to comment to every post so that you knew I was your #1 fan! You donut owe me anything the jot that this blog brings to my life is more then I could have ever imagined!
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