Today's post is the first in a series of in-depth reviews of supermarket products. I'm calling it "Lost In The Supermarket", and it will be a recurring column in this blog. In the past I've written reviews of local restaurants, but I've decided that's sort of pointless since most of my readers don't even live in Seattle. Supermarket products, on the other hand, are available to everyone, everywhere. They're the great equalizer in American culture. With that in mind, let's get started with today's featured product.
I recently made the switch from regular milk to soy milk, mainly due to some lactose intolerance issues. Actually, "intolerance" is probably too harsh of a word, since I can eat cheese and ice cream without any problem; it's mainly milk that sends me to the crapper. Perhaps a better term would be "lactose prejudiced". Anyway, everything's been just peachy since I made the switch. So imagine my delight when I found Hemp Dream on the shelf of the neighborhood grocery store. The concept is similar to soy milk, except that hemp seed is used as the base. I knew that clothing and other textiles could be made of hemp, and I'd seen hemp granola before, but hemp milk? I had to try it.
The packaging is great: the tie-dye colors make an obvious effort to appeal to the, uh, mellower segment of supermarket shoppers. The name alone suggests some sort of euphoric bliss. But that's where the party ends, folks. After drinking a glass of the stuff, I am sad to say that it tasted bitter and unpleasant. I ruined a perfectly decent bowl of cereal with it. And the worst part is, I felt totally sober afterwards. This is not a product that I can recommend to my readers, even those who normally enjoy hemp products. It's a bad trip, man.
TMI! TMI about your bowel issues!
Trevor may have summed this up nicely.
On a different note, I am glad to see a return to product reviews. It has been way to long since bacon salt.
Dear MW- FYI... I enjoyed bacon salt (original flavor) on veggie bacon the other day... delicious. I call it 'bacon squared'.
Grape boy- Sorry about the unpleasant experience with the Hemp Milk. Maybe give Vita Hemp a try?
B-Phat - While we're on the subject of supermarket products, can I make an announcement? I'm sorry, can I just say something here? Thank you. Seven words, one of them hyphenated: Target store-brand wild mushroom gnocchi and risotto. Ohmigod! They're. The. Bombs.
Hard to believe, isn't it? Little old Target! But I swear, both the gnocchi and risotto are indescribably delicious. The gnocchi mix has gouda in it. I'm not kidding: gouda. The first time I tried it, I was all like, "Mama mia! That's amore!"
They're so much better than the Pasta Roni stuff I used to make a lot, and they take about the same time. Sure, they cost a little more - but it's still cheaper than eating at Carmelita!
They're sold under the generic Target brand, which is called Archer Farms or some shizzle like that. Just trust me now, and you'll believe me later ...
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